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How To Delay Google Ads And Increase Site Performance in WordPress

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Most sites are using Google AdSense ads to earn some extra income but they can bring an extra load to the site and offer a poor user experience as site loads slow.

In this article, we will see how the ads can be delayed free for 3 seconds or more and in this way have a better experience for your visitor.

Delaying the ads can result in lower-income but if making money from ads is not the primary way of monetizing your site you should be fine. For instance, I have affiliate links that are more important and I want to have a better experience for the visitor so they can click more affiliate links and buy more products.

Bellow are some pictures with results in GTmatrix before and after the optimization:



As can be seen here, by delaying the ads you have a better load time and don’t overwhelm the visitor from the start.

Steps to Delay Google Ads

For delaying the ads we are going to use a free plugin called Flying Scripts and it can be used to delay any javascript you want.

1.Install Flying Scripts

You just need to go to Plugins – Add New and search for the Flying Scripts, after you install and activate it like any other plugin.

2. Add the script to be delayed

In this article we will only delay the Google Ads script for 3 seconds, to do this you need to go to Settings – Flying Scripts and add the in Include Keywords: adsbygoogle.js, than choose the Timeout to 3s or any time you want. After you just need to hit save and clear the cache if you are using a caching plugin.

And that’s all, after if you test your site you will see a small delay in ads that will be displayed.

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