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Best WordPress Q&A Themes and Plugins

Best WordPress Q&A Themes and Plugins

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WordPress is the most used CMS on the internet, it is used by about 30% from the total websites so because of this big popularity a lot of development is done for it and with this Q&A Themes and Plugins that will help you build a site similar to Quora or Yahoo Answers. In this article, we will see the best WordPress Q&A Themes and Plugins that can help you build the perfect Quora-like site.

To see the complete tutorial for how to build a Q&A website with WordPress : How to Build a Question and Answer Website With WordPress

What Makes a Great WordPress Q&A Theme or Plugin?

Seeing as how each current inquiry and answer site is extraordinary, it’s decent to investigate the highlights that make every one of the novel and easy to understand. For example, Quora is known for confirming the general population who react to questions with the goal that you get genuine answers from genuine specialists. Stack Exchange attempts to stay away from sentiment surveys and takes a stab at target answers in a wide scope of themes

Thus, you can choose to make an inquiry and answer site for heaps of themes, yet it needs to emerge somehow or another. Then again, you may think about concentrating on one specialty to connection to your gathering or blog, enabling individuals to examine explicit inquiries that identify with things like travel, cultivating or web improvement.

With respect to the best WordPress Q&A module arrangements, what are a portion of the highlights you ought to search for?

  • A clear catch and field for clients to type in inquiries for different clients (on the other hand, you may need this limited to administrators for making a FAQ page).
  • Options for clients and administrators to include rich substance and media, for example, intense content, connections, and pictures.
  • Tools for marking and styling your Q&A area or site.
  • Modules for clients to respond to questions.
  • Options for making profiles to make the appropriate responses look progressively dependable and to fabricate your own user base.
  • Buttons for following certain inquiries. Email notices are decent as well.
  • Categorization and looking instruments for individuals to find the data they need.
  • Voting that sends the best responses to the highest point of the page.

Best WordPress Q&A Themes

1. Discy- Social Questions and Answers WordPress Theme

Discy is an exceptional social inquiry and answers WordPress subject.

In case you’re anticipating making the following Quora or you simply need to dispatch an online space where your group of onlookers can pose each other inquiries, at that point the Discy subject could be the instrument you’re searching for. Something other than a WordPress subject, Discy incorporates every one of the highlights your site will require so as to turn into a triumph. Notwithstanding the inquiry and answer highlights, Discy is additionally adjustable as well, guaranteeing you’re ready to give your site the correct look and feel.

With regards to the highlights you can actualize on your inquiry and answer site when utilizing this topic, a portion of the alternatives incorporate answer casting a ballot to enable the best substance remain to out from the group, client profile pages to enable guests to discover increasingly about those distributing arrangements, and a client indicates and identifications framework remunerate and support connection. Different highlights, for example, the separating and seeking device, just as the substance labeling, will enable your group of onlookers to discover precisely what they’re searching for on your site. Down and upvoting is incorporated as well, enabling your clients to rate the appropriate responses that are submitted.

Just as the inquiry and answer highlights, Discy has heaps of apparatuses to enable you to assume responsibility for the plan of your site. For instance, you can browse a scope of shading choices to characterize how your site looks, just as set the formats properties of the page plans. You can likewise utilize the library of page layouts to control the presence of each bit of substance on your site.

With an amazing mix of highlights and plan components, Discy has all that you should require, in one bundle.


  • Fully Responsive design
  • Retina ready
  • Awesome contral panel
  • RTL Fully Support
  • Unlimited Sidebars
  • Unlimited Colors
  • HTML5/CSS3
  • Header options – Dark, Light, Colored, Simple header
  • Footer options – Dark, Light
  • Call to action for the unlogged users – Dark, Light, Colored
  • Advanced Post/page options – custom background color/image, custom colors, custom layout (right sidebar, left sidebar, full-width), hide/show elements, page comments, and more?
  • Add Question Page
  • Add Post Page
  • Different style width – Width 1170px, Width 1330px
  • Different style for the left menu – Style 1, Style 2, Style 3
  • Post Formats: Standard, Image, Gallery, Video
  • Multiple Blog Layout medium image, Big image
  • 404 page
  • Page templates with customization options ( 11 page template )
  • Badges and points page
  • Blog page
  • Categories page (Questions or Posts)
  • Comments page (Comments or Answers)
  • Contact us page
  • FAQs page
  • Home page
  • Questions page
  • Landing page
  • Tags page (Questions or Posts)
  • Users page
  • Custom Widgets with customization options ( 24 Widgets )

2. Ask Me

Ask Me includes an intense and current plan that intently pursues the level UI and material structure pattern. Be that as it may, on account of the included prebuilt shading plans and custom shading picker apparatus, you are allowed to give your site its own flavor and identity.

The style of the Ask Me topic reaches out to the whole site, including the enlistment, login, and question and answer accommodation pages. This enables your site to convey a reliable client experience to your guests, while reinforcing your image with each new site visit.

This Q&A topic incorporates three landing page formats, empowering you to pick the correct style for your site, basically by clicking a catch. Every client gets their very own profile page, just as the capacity to gain focuses for helping their kindred clients.

The individuals who submit questions can help the remainder of the network by denoting the best answer as their preferred reaction. The capacity to pursue questions empowers different guests stay up with the latest with the appropriate responses as they are submitted.

With a completely portable responsive plan, your locale can post questions and replies in a hurry, making a quick paced online asset that fills a genuine need. It’s even conceivable to add items to your site, on account of the help for the main Woo Commerce store developer module.


  • Fully Responsive design
  • Retina ready
  • Awesome contral panel
  • RTL Fully Support
  • Light and dark
  • Unlimited Sidebars
  • Unlimited Colors
  • 3 Headers style Light and dark
  • HTML5/CSS3
  • Advanced Post/page options – custom background color/image, custom colors, custom layout ( right sidebar, left sidebar, full-width), hide/show elements, page comments, and more ?
  • Post Formats: Standard, Image, Gallery, Video
  • Multiple Blog Layout medium image, Big image
  • Shop demo
  • Advertising System
  • 404 page
  • Page templates with customization options ( 46 page template )

3. Answers

Answers from Templatic subjects can transform your Word Press site into a completely working inquiry and answer gateway.

Questions and answers can be submitted by means of the front-end frames, guaranteeing a predictable client experience for those getting to the site. Clients can cast a ballot on the appropriate responses, with the inquiry starter being able to proclaim one reaction the best answer.

Site proprietors utilizing this topic additionally can charge an expense for entries. The Answers subject incorporates with PayPal and makes it a decent alternative for anybody wishing to setup a business question and answer site.

With bunches of extraordinary highlights, including seven shading skins, Answers could be exactly what you are searching for.

4. QAEngine

QAEngine is a recently discharged subject from Engine Themes, a group who have practical experience in making application topics which transform your WordPress webpage into a particular sort of site, which for this situation is an inquiry and answer website.

This topic contains all that you have to construct this sort of site, and highlights heaps of network building helps which can help urge your guests to join and stick around.

QAEngine incorporates a point-scoring framework which enables clients to ascend through the positions and acquire benefits on the site, in view of how they collaborate with the substance distributed. The subject additionally utilizes a here and there casting a ballot framework for rating the appropriate responses that are posted, helping the best substance to ascend to the top. The inquiry asker would then be able to stamp one answer as the best reaction, making it simple for future guests to rapidly figure out which the right answer was.

This WordPress question and answer subject is profoundly configurable and highlights a cutting edge and alluring structure settling on it a brilliant decision.

5. Robust Q & A

Robust Q&A is a cutting edge and smart subject for structure an inquiry and answer site with WordPress. The appealing plan covers the site, yet in addition the enlistment and login pages to make a consistent client experience for guests who need to make a record on your site.

When posting an inquiry, clients can tag and classify their entries to make it simpler for different clients to discover, and in this manner increment the odds of them finding a solution from the network.

When an inquiry has been posted, different clients can like the appropriate responses that are given, with the most preferred reaction ascending to the highest point of the heap. As well as can be expected to be set apart all things considered by the inquiry masker, in spite of the fact that they can alter their perspective, later on, should the need emerge?

With the Robust Q&A topic, it is likewise workable for clients to remark on the appropriate responses that are given, which can be utilized to concur with the substance, or request that the publication give more subtleties.

Best WordPress Q&A Plugins

1. DW Question & Answer Pro – WordPress Plugin ( Free and Premium)

DW Q&A from Design Wall is an exceptionally capable Q&A module.

A far reaching settings page permits simple administration of all parts of the module, including a broad consent and the capacity to totally alter every one of the seven email layouts.

The interface is appealing, if somewhat monotone and could without much of a stretch be actualized as it stands.

The module gives remarking (just as answers), answer casting a ballot, answer choice, open and private inquiries and question classes. Answers can even be spared as “drafts”.

Pictures and media can be inserted in an inquiry by means of the URL however there is no office for transferring connections.

The module makes its own pages to hold the yield and these can be reconfigured in the settings.

The inquiry posting page enables inquiries to be arranged by view, answers or cast a ballot and the rundown can be sifted on a post status.

The module gives two gadgets, Popular Questions and Related Questions.

DW Q&A is a noteworthy item that can be incorporated with any subject and will give a practically moment arrangement which would give you a bit an opportunity to possibly add some shading to the topic!


2.WP Answers

WP Answers is a premium module that additionally incorporates its own responsive subject whenever required.

Dissimilar to the greater part of the different modules, WP Answers doesn’t go for the Stackoverflow look and feel yet gives a less difficult yet similarly satisfying design.

The module incorporates a notoriety framework, internet based life mix and inherent control. It additionally incorporates the capacity to naturally populate with substance from Yahoo Answers which is a fascinating way to deal with empowering those first speculative inquiries.

As of now there are two additional items: PayPal which empowers charging for posting an inquiry and User Levels which is a straightforward consent framework. The additional items are just accessible with the designer permit.

WP Answers appears to be a moderately costly alternative to all with the exception of those that need the PayPal choice.

Cost: $89 (single), $129 (developer)*

The two licenses incorporate “lifetime” backing and updates.

*includes all subjects, add-on modules, PSD records

3. CM Answers (Free)

The CM Answers is an inquiries and answers module for WordPress that empowers clients to include questions and replies (Q&A) in a stack flood style.

The Answers module enables clients to post questions and replies, leave remarks, vote, and transfer documents in a dialog load up organization.

Clients of this WordPress answers module have full balance access of inquiries and answers, can confine client abilities, and make different discussion classes.

4. AnsPress – Question and answer (Free)

AnsPress is another significant free module with conceivably the most attractive interface of all the modules tried.

A thorough arrangement of alternatives takes into account genuinely broad setup of the module’s conduct, from the pages that the substance will show up on to the focuses design.

The format is perfect and basic with incredible utilization of shading for recognizing questions, remarks and replies. Answers can’t be affirmed however questions can be set apart as shut, unraveled or copy. The two inquiries and answers can be waved to and casted a ballot up and.

Remarks can be connected to the two inquiries and answers.

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