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Best WordPress Online Food Ordering Plugins (Free & Paid)

Best WordPress Online Food Ordering Plugins

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If you’re looking for a way to add online food ordering to your WordPress website, there are plenty of great plugins to choose from. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the best plugins for online food ordering.

The great thing about a WordPress plugin is that it perfectly fits your WordPress site. Towards helping you roll out your business online, the post covers six plugins that are tried and tested in the market.

Best WordPress Online Food Ordering Plugins

These plugins can help you easily add order forms on your online restaurant web page and extend your local food business online. Below, we will see which are the best online food ordering plugins for WordPress.

Orderable (Free & Premium)

Orderable is your go-to plugin which you can update and roll out without incurring costs.

In a matter of minutes, your plugin reflects on the portal, and you’ll be able to accept orders from your customers.

There’s a host of reasons why Orderable fits the bill of reliable plugins for managing online orders:

  • Incur zero fees. If you use third-party apps or sites, your incomes go down, and you stand to lose up to 40% in revenues. You get a chance to keep all the revenues you toil for.
  • The Orderable plugin is viewable on any screen. Your customers, especially those accessing the web via mobile, comprise part of your target segments.
  • Simplicity – Orderable as a plugin works on a single page layout. Customers appreciate the accessible app-like features where you order without navigating through several pages.
  • Product and menu layouts are flexible, and you can roll them out in minutes.
  • Complete control for checkouts – The orderable plugin enables you to set pricing, including tips and optional prompts. And this goes to even the choices of the payment methods you choose.

Orderable as a plugin integrates with WooCommerce for the checkouts, and it works with all page builders. The working model also comes with short-codes. You may also edit with a Native Gutenberg block.

While the Orderable plugin is free, you can access support when you subscribe for the Orderable Pro versions.


WooCommerce-Restaurant-Ordering is a reliable product if you want to tap into online market customers. Online orders are set to become a huge market over time. Busy lifestyles mean chasing everything, including food.

What you want is not another long project with software developers. The plugin ensures you quickly have the technology working to your advantage as you channel other efforts to harness customers. 

A good plugin  like WooCommerce-Restaurant-Ordering  will ensure you seamlessly integrate key things:

  • Images for products for customers to scroll
  • Attaching prices next to the products
  • An easy trigger in the form of a record for the products a customer decides to purchase
  • Easy database integration for the customers to complete transactions
  • Mobile friendly to help customers away from Pcs( And you should target this category of customers)

WooCommerce-Restaurant-Ordering is built with a unique feature – the quick ordering function or the light-box. The feature allows you to flex options to order in bubbles and check out once.

Restaurateurs can purchase the twin-bundle option, which enables checking out while on the page -it combines the on-page cart and checkout.

It’s a plugin you’ll find excellent documentation on – with a vast knowledge base that also comes with experts to support you. You may also explore the tutorials to demo views to help you understand how WooCommerce-Restaurant-Ordering.

The BARN 2 team also hosts other WordPress products and professional plugins; they are complex and diverse professionals who’ve come together in a team to solve challenges facing online businesses. Their forte in plugins oriented to WooCommerce and WooCommerce-Restaurant-Ordering is one of them.

WooFood – Food Ordering (Delivery & Pickup)

WordPress plugins are always impressive in their applicability in real businesses and especially for this case- online food and deliveries.

For WooFood for food deliveries, there are vital features why you’ll fall for the plugin, which should be your go-to plugin:

  1. It’s built of a responsive theme and combines with lightweight features, which means it’s dynamic when it comes to swift changes and does not take up substantial hosting resources.
  2. WooFood has automatic features that enable printing on operating systems like Windows and Mac.
  3. Live relaying of feedback where restaurateurs can accept or decline orders. Also, customers can order and pick up their orders at your physical locations. And this goes to extend your reach to unique customer needs.
  4. You have options for single or multiples in relaying your order offerings.
  5. It also has multi-store features to run more than one physical location for the business.
  6. It’s a plugin that allows you to share the hours you can deliver, giving extra-vital information to your prospective customers.

WooFood helps you take your business to another level by using Google APIs to restrict the geographical location you deliver.

Also, the same applies to the setting of delivery fees. You can vary with the distance from the location of your restaurant.

The array of choices gives you options to accept single orders, in multiples with limitations or without limitations.

At the back end of WooFood, you can see the status of orders, which is a handy feature that gives you overviews in terms of processes and workloads currently in the pipelines.

GloriaFood – Food Ordering System (Free & Premium)

GloriaFood presents a robust and flexible plugin to offer solutions for restaurant orders and the management of your business. And this is what you need to launch an online business.

Restaurant Menu comes in a simple, user-friendly interface. You can share your menus, receive orders online, and take orders where customers want to reserve spaces for your restaurant.

All the flexibilities come at no extra costs for you; there are no hidden charges in the form of commissions or hidden fees – and has no limitation as to how many orders the system can limit.

Here are the reasons you’ll appreciate the Restaurant Menu

  • Visually appealing and has a drag and drop editor for customizing menus.
  • Support for images you’ve taken yourself or a wide array of template images.
  • Customizable menus. They allow adjustments in matters of sizes, orders, and add-ons that customers may access with multiple selections.
  • A bonus functionality whore you can escalate promotions is all built on the top of a responsive design.

Online Food Ordering For Takeaway / Food Delivery

  • User-friendly, single page checkout
  • Data auto-fill for returning customers
  • Restaurant app for receiving orders (Android / iOS)
  • Real-time confirmation of the order and fulfillment time

Regarding the Online Ordering Systems, here are features that stand out:

  • If the ordering app is offline, there’s a function to capture details to facilitate follow-up calls.
  • A centralized database for restaurant statistics includes maps, ordering statistics, and exporting or orders.
  • You have 11 templates, a couponing system, and multiple location support for segmentation and targeting clients if you run a promotion.

The restaurant plugin comes with a stepwise guide to walk you through the installation process.

RestroPress – Online Food Ordering System (Free & Premium)

RestroPress – Online Food Ordering System is a plugin that integrates well with your WordPress site if you are in the restaurant business.

It allows you to serve customers interested in picking up and those who request delivery at their locations of preference.

RestroPress comes with two access modes:

  • First is the user-friendly frontend, which allows for easy edits
  • Second is the backend interface that allows straightforward management of orders. It comes in the form of a pre-built dashboard to manage orders and profiles of customers.

The plugin will automatically add the pages you need to show once you activate it. It has short-codes to help you display what your customers can make orders on.

Here are key reasons why the RestroPress plugin stands out:

  • It’s all free to both install and set up
  • It enables you to add an ordering system even if you’ve never coded for life. You can output the items plus add-ons and categories as you prefer – and that extends to both orders for picking up customers and deliveries.
  • Enables setting of different pricing options for food items with push notifications.
  • Easy reporting where you can view totals of sales. Also, it’s desktop and mobile-friendly for receiving order notifications and printing receipts.
  • WooCommerce checkout is friendly. You make choices regarding payment methods: PayPal or cash on delivery.

Food Store – Online Food Delivery & Pickup (Free & Premium)

Food Stores is a plugin built on the functionalities of WordPress and WooCommerce. And it comes out as a simple and very easy to use for launching online capabilities for your restaurant.

It builds on the settings of WooCommerce to enable you to create an easy setup for managing things. You may also convert the restaurant into a hub for instant orders that customers pick up as they leave.

All you require is to offer the menu with timing – allowing customers to pick when they prefer to pick their orders.

Food Store builds on the WooCommerce features to set up the cart for customers to checkout via payment gateways you prefer.

Features that stand out include the checking out card feature that integrates Whatsapp. Also, users can access enhancements for further customizations via add-ons that blend well with the  WordPress dashboards and ecosystems.

Take Away Thoughts

The Best WordPress Restaurant Online Ordering Plugin must have critical functionalities. They must enable you to roll out restaurant sites that allow real-time interaction with customers from their locations.

There above, find six different plugins pre-selected for you to get running. Building blocks for online access are pricing offerings that customers pick according to preference. After picking or delivery, you want to collect payments via arrays of payment gateways.

You also want a quick solution: pushing notifications, escalating promotions, sharing customer locations and directions to them.

The great thing is WordPress integrates with restaurant ordering management systems and the WooCommerce checking out avenues.

Finally, as you can see, rolling out has never been easier for restaurateurs with an online presence and serving customers – both for deliveries and pickups.

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