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Best WooCommerce Email Follow Up Plugins (Free & Paid)

Best WooCommerce Email Follow Up Plugins

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Making a sale always feels delightful, especially on the internet were compared to real-life stores, things are a little bit more complicated than it seems. And because things are more complicated on the internet, you want to make purchasing simpler for your customers.

Did someone buy a product from your e-commerce store? Good. But now, how do you turn that one-time customer into a returning regular buyer? Well, improving communication between you and the purchaser would be a great start. Keeping the customers well informed about your products, about new offers, coupons, or about the orders they made from your e-commerce site, plays a vital role in the success of one’s online shop. And one of the stepping stones on that road to success is the WooCommerce email follow-up plugins.

What are WooCommerce Email Follow Up Plugins and Why You Need Them?

To keep it short – WooCommerce Email Follow-up Plugins are tools that can help people generate bigger income by improving communication between customers and vendors.

According to some research, up to 40% of the stores’ revenue in the US comes from returning or as we say, regular customers. Also, the Direct Marketing Association says that the ROI (Return on Investment) is $43 for every dollar you spend on email marketing.

When you see these statistics, you can’t just sit with your arms crossed and expect people to buy products from your e-commerce site only because it has a great modern design and an easy-to-use user interface.

Due to these reasons, maintaining the already existent customers happy and well informed should be on the same level of priority as acquiring new buyers. Unless you want to scrap half of your earnings…

Okay, but how do they improve buyer-seller communication – you may ask yourself after reading this intro. Well, don’t worry, for that reason we picked the best premium and free email follow-up plugins and reviewed them alongside their main features.

Best Premium WooCommerce Email Follow Up Plugins

1) Follow-Ups

There’s no better way to start this list, but with the official WooCommerce email follow-up plugin. First of all, integrating this extension with your WooCommerce store will be like piercing through butter with a hot knife, meaning without a problem. Second, only for $99.00 per year do you get one of the best tools for engagement with your customers and driving in new sales. Third, you also get a 30-day money-back guarantee if the product doesn’t meet your expectations. And last but not least, if you are a lecturer, you can use it to engage with your students as well.

Main Features

  • Uses the WordPress writing editor where you can create custom emails with free templates. So, very simple to use and nothing new to learn
  • Allows you to create campaigns and post messages via email or Twitter to your customers. It also has the ability to schedule tweets
  • Detailed reporting system that shows you how many times an email has been opened/clicked
  • Easy access to every scheduled message which you can edit or delete if necessary
  • Create personalized coupons for your subscribers and customers
  • Easy Google Analytics integration and a full-featured REST API that allows you to integrate any service you want
  • Create newsletters, one-time emails and mailing lists

Price: $99

2) AutomateWoo

Last, but definitely not the least premium WooCommerce email follow-up plugin on our list.

AutomateWoo is another plugin developed by the WooCommerce team which translates to an effortless integration with your WordPress site. It requires PHP 5.4+ and WooCommerce version 3.0 or higher. While the price stands at $99.00 per year. But as with most of their products, you also get a 30-day money-back guarantee if the product doesn’t meet your expectations.

When it comes to performance, it offers similar services as most of the already named plugins. However, that shouldn’t cloud your judgment on it because some of its features are the best in the market.

Main Features

  • Offer incentives to your customers and create targeted multi-step campaigns
  • Detailed reports on conversions, clicks and openings of your emails
  • Developer friendly, meaning – open for further development
  • No limitations, send as many emails as you want
  • Compatible for integration with most plugins and services, including WPML to send multilingual emails

Price: $99

3) FluentCRM

This is the ultimate follow-up email marketing solution for WordPress and WooCommerce. It was developed especially with this in mind and it has integrations not only for WooCommerce but for most important plugins. Besides sending emails to customers that are triggered in the function of various factors like abandon cart, or order is placed, x days have passed, etc this is also cand automate your email campaigns with beautiful templates.

This is an all-in-one plugin for your email automation and if you want to create advanced triggers for your marketing campaigns this is the holy grail of email marketing plugins.

Key Features:

  • Send countless emails and manage unlimited contacts.
  • Multiple integrations with other popular WordPress plugins.
  • Automated email sequence, email campaign, and much more features to customize them.
  • Block-based email composing with custom HTML editing functionality.
  • Ability to build segmented contact lists
  • In-depth analytics to track your client activities, check total revenue, number of orders, etc.
  • A/B testing, link metrics, smart links, and so on.

Price: $129

4) SIP Advanced Email Rules for WooCommerce

Another amazing plugin to help sellers and buyers to establish better communication between the two of them.

Enable customers to receive new offers, coupons, and products with only a few clicks through the SIP Advanced Email plugin.

One of the advantages of this plugin when compared to the first one is mainly in its price. For a single site, the (annual) price stands at $29 while for an unlimited number of sites it’s only $39. Plus you also have an offer in-between which is $34 for up to 5 sites.

Because of these reasons, the SIP Advanced Email may seem the most tempting for single-site users and people on a budget.

Main Features

  • No restrictions when it comes to targeting emails for your clients. Create as many email rules as you want, unlimited targeting
  • Customize the email content to your own liking with the use of preexistent shortcodes
  • Send various coupons to your customers (e.g. coupon for re-order, coupon for product B if you buy product A and so on)
  • Create advanced email rules
  • Establish cart, user and product rules

Price: $29

5) WPspring for WooCommerce – Follow Up Emails Extension

Easily integrated, straightforward, and regularly updated follow-up email plugin for your e-commerce store. Which also it’s an extension to the official follow-up emails plugin by WooCommerce.

According to the developers of this product, WooCommerce Follow Up Emails Extension is the best tool for augmenting your income by selling to already existing customers. With it, you can create a powerful marketing strategy as well.

By their calculations, email marketing is 8 times more efficient when it comes to generating sales when compared to social media.

When it comes to the price, you get a 90% discount if you buy it from WPspring.com and it’s a one-time fee on top of it. However there’s a catch, you won’t receive premium support. Meaning, if a problem occurs you are out on your own, no one (besides Google search) will help you.

Main Features

  • Schedule and create automated emails which you can send directly from the WooCommerce admin panel
  • Get excellent reports on how many clicks and openings an email received. Also easy integration with Google Analytics for even more reports and statistics
  • Create coupons which you can send to your customers through the follow-up email

Price: 10$

6) WooCommerce Custom Emails

Flexible, fast, very easy to use, and excellent for creating custom emails – this is how some of the customers review this product that has an average score of 4.50 from 30 ratings and almost 1000 sales.

You’ll need standard requirements to run it, such as PHP 5.6+, WordPress 4.9+, and WooCommerce 3.5+. Also, the price is quite affordable for a plugin of this caliber. It stands at $39 for a regular license, while for an extended license the price stands at $199. One of the downsides to the WooCommerce Custom Emails plugin is that it comes with only 6 months of support from the developers. Even though there’s an option to purchase full-year support for $12.75.

Main Features

  • Ability to send custom transactional emails to your customers at anytime
  • Set conditions that guarantee your custom emails will end up in the inbox of only those who need to receive them and no one else
  • Schedule emails for a certain date or specified number of days
  • Create re-usable content blocks and add triggers to dispatch custom emails

Price: $39

Best Free WooCommerce Email Follow Up Plugin

1) Retainful

When it comes to free WooCommerce email follow-up plugins, the list of choices isn’t as great as the premium one. For that reason, we selected only Retainful because we think it’s the best for you.

While it isn’t as powerful as its premium compatriots, Retainful shouldn’t be underestimated.

According to some research, 70- 80% of customers online abandon their shopping carts and leave without purchasing anything. That’s where this plugin comes in and gives you the opportunity to lower that percentage by some margin and recover lost sales.

Main Features

  • Recover abandoned carts by sending emails to customers reminding them about their forgotten purchase
  • Customers can recover their carts with a single click
  • Unlimited amount of cart recovery email templates to create with content rich editor
  • Ability to track reports on abandoned, recovered and live carts
  • Keep your existing customers happy by giving them next order coupons which they can activate during the next purchase
  • Set coupon expire date, usage restrictions, maximum/minimum spend limit or exclude products that are on sale

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