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Tech Tools Every Aspiring Blogger Needs

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Now that you have your winning blog idea, the next step is to actually do the work to get your idea off the ground and running. While the first and most crucial step is hosting your blog on WordPress, there are other tech tools that are worth investing in to really help your blog succeed.

From external hard drives to analytics trackers, here are some tools that will make your blogging experience as enjoyable as possible while still giving you room to grow.

Grammar checkers

First and foremost, you’ll want to invest in a grammar checker to proofread every article that you publish. After all, there are few things more off-putting than a blog post that’s riddled with errors! Grammarly is one of the most popular grammar checker extensions, but alternatives like LanguageTool and WhiteSmoke also work great. If you don’t want to go through the hassle of installing an extension, you can also find online sites that can check inputted text.

Laptop cooling pads

Have you ever been working away at your laptop, only for it to start overheating? All laptops come with fans and some sort of air vent to let heat out, but sometimes this isn’t enough. If you hear fans whirring and feel your laptop getting hot, it’s a definite sign that you’re overworking your unit. Although a cooling pad won’t solve all of your laptop’s issues, it can at least help dissipate some heat and thus increase the longevity of your machine.

External hard drives

Thorough security protocol needs both internal and external backups. When it comes to external hard drives, hard disk drives come highly recommended by HP. HDDs are cost-effective and store large amounts of data, making them a great tool for bloggers just starting out. As a general rule, you’ll need to back them up on a regular basis. Scheduling a backup to your hard drive every two weeks or so should give you adequate protection.

Mailing lists

One of the mistakes that bloggers make is not having a mailing list to send out to subscribers. People check their emails almost every day, and a quick letter from you can remind them to hop onto your site. Some bloggers also use their mailing lists as a way to send short updates that don’t necessarily fit into a blog post, and these emails can also make your readers feel as though you’re writing directly to them.

Data analytics trackers

You’ve no doubt started your blog as a way to share your story with other readers, and analytics is a great way to see just how much engagement your blog is getting. BBN Times’ guide to content marketing performance indicators lists metrics such as article views and social engagement as ideal starting points for measuring marketing campaigns. These indicators can easily be seen on WordPress’ site, making them equally valuable for regular bloggers, too.

Blogging is a relatively straightforward task, but there are a lot of tips and tricks to really make your work stand out. With these tools at hand, all you need to do is focus on your writing!

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