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Rocket.net Review – Fast & Reliable Premium WordPress Hosting

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Having a good hosting solution for your WordPress websites is very important for SEO these days as Google started to take this into consideration in their ranking factors. Also, a good host means more conversions and happier clients.

There are a lot of hosting solutions for WordPress starting from different prices and can be hard to choose the best one for you, also some of them are not that good even if you pay a lot of money for them.

In this review, we will see Rocket.net a premium WordPress hosting solution that can help you with your WordPress hosting. It is based on Nginx and it has its own caching mechanism for WordPress. rocket.net is a dedicated WordPress solution that can handle everything for you.

Rocket.net Features

Next, let’s see in more detail what rocket.net has to offer in terms of features and if you find what you need with them:


Security is a big part of any business, not having it can cause you issues and lose money and even Google rankings. Rocket.net it is doing very well on this chapter as it is offering:

  • Website Firewall (WAF) – they have a WAF that is monitoring the traffic that is received by your site. In case the traffic is suspect they will block it and in this way your site will not be that vurnerable to attacks or bad boots. They have a nice interface where reports can be checked:
  • Malware Scanning – they are constantly monitoring websites with Imunify360 in case the website is compromised they will automaticaly clean it up and patch the vulnerability. If this is not secure I don’t know what else is.
  • Automatic Updates – you can enable automatic updates to your WordPress Core, themes or plugins in this way you will be sure that your website is kept up to date.
  • Backups – as part of a good security practice backups are very important. rocket.net will make backups every day and will store them for 30 days


Performance is one of the most important things that many are looking for in a hosting provider and rocket.net is not coming shortly when it comes to it. Below are the features that rocket.net utilizes to provide good performance:

  • 20+ Server locations – you can choose your server in any location you would think from Europe,Asia, USA, Australia.
  • Build in CDN – rocket.net they have a build in CDN with more then 200 pop locations. The CDN will asure that website will be fast from every part of the globe. Bellow is an image from the backend to see how reports are showing:
  • Brotly Compresion – an gzip alernative compresion for your website.
  • NginX Webserver – rocket.net is using one of the fastest web servers up there so you don’t need to warry.
  • Image Optimization – images served will be automaticaly optimized so you will not need to pay for any extra plugin to serve the optimized version.
  • Cache – they have a build in cache so you don’t need to warry about that, but you can use your own cashing plugin for a better performance, I am using wp-rocket.net on this website and it’s making things faster.
  • Fast Servers – the servers are very well optimized and your website with the proper theme and plugins you can get 100 performance in Google. When it comes to performance Rocket.net it has a TTFB of about 100-200 ms and it can load your site in under a second. In the below video you will see a detailed comparison of how it does in comparison with my server a Vultr one that is high frequently with Cyberpanel installed on it.

I am using rocket.net services for more than 1 year and at this time my website never went down and always had the best performance.

I have done some tests on this website to see how it is doing in Google and the results are extraordinary, the performance is 100 for near for mobile and desktop. The bellow video has everything in it:


The tools behind that will help you do files upload, DB changes, PHP changes, or other things are important as well. In this part, we will see what rocket.net has behind the hood that can help you administer your WordPress website easily.

  • File manager – the backend comes with a file manager that can help you upload or edit files without a ftp client
  • PHPMyAdmin – another tool that offers DB access is PHPmy admin, it can help you administer the DB from the backend.
  • PHP version – you have an easy drop down box from where you can choose the PHP version you like per website (5 to 8.1)
  • SSH Access – you can enable or disable SSH access if you need, usefull for the ones that needs to do things in cli.


When it comes to pricing it starts from 25$ for 1 website with 250.000 visitors and 10 GB of space. It is building up and you can for instance have $83 – 10 websites with 250.000.00 visitors and 40 GB of space.

The price is not that expensive if you compare it with other similar services like WPengine or Kinsta. Rocket.net has a lot to offer and it’s a great service for the ones that are not scared of a premium service price.

Rocket.net Video Review

The below video has a complete review of what exactly rocket.net has to offer, please watch it to see the exact details with the performance tests.

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