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How to Create a Contact Form in WordPress With WPForms

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Having an contact page for your website is important as it will allow your visitors or sponsors to get in touch with you easily. Not only this but also it can be important for your rankings as Google may want to see that the site it has some formal contact.

WordPress is widely used because it is very easy to use and there are a lot of free plugins that will help you accomplish almost everything. This is the case for a contact form, it can be added very easily with the help of the WPForms plugin. You can customize your contact for as you like and add the fields that you want to collect.

In this article and the Youtube Video we will see how easy is to add a contact form in WordPress with WPForms.

Steps to Create the Contact Form with WPForms

1. Install WPForms Plugin

First step is to have the WPForms plugin installed and activated so you can use it to create the contact form. To install WPForms just go to Plugins – Add New an search WPForms. After Install and activate the plugin:

2. Configure your First Contact Form

I. Now after WPforms is installed you just need to go into the admin are of the WPForms and create the contact form with the elements you need. To do so you need to go into WPForms – Add New just as in the below picture :

II. After a new interface will open where you will need to enter the contact form name and choose from some predefined template or a blank one. In this are choose the Simple Contact Form template:

III. Now the interface of the fields is opened where you choose the fields you want to have in your contact form. There are some of them already existing and you can add more from the right or you can edit the existing ones.

You can alter the fields to be required or you can change the labels in case you want to use the form with a specific language. The add Fields will show the free fields that you can add to your form. You can add drop down, check boxes, multiple choices, numbers in free version. You have the option to customize the forms quite a lot in this free version.

3. Configure Notifications and Anti Spam

You would want once someone will use the contact form to be notified and have some spam option so the bots to not abuse the form. With WPforms you can have this done easily. First is to go to settings and in general area, you have some options to customize the submit button name, Submit Button Processing Text and SPAM:

Notification configurations can be done under notifications, there you have the options to set them ON and to choose what details to be sent and to who. Sent to Email Address is the email that would receive the email once the contact form is used., you can choose the subject and everything if you want to have it more custom. Here you have a more in-depth tutorial.

Setting up the confirmation message it can also be done from here, you need to go into confirmation and choose if you want a message, an page or an URL. This is up to you. After this is done is time to choose SAVE to have the contact form ready.

4. Add the Contact Form to Contact Page

The contact form is ready and now you just need to add it in the contact page or any other page you may want to use it. Just go into Pages and create a new contact page if you don’t have one already. After you add a new Gutenberg block and search for the wpforms block

After a gutenberg block will be displayed where you can choose the form you want to use as in the below picture:

Now what remains to be done is to save the page and test the form and see everything is working as expected.

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