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10 Best WordPress Classified Ads Themes

Best WordPress Classifieds Ads Themes

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The beauty of WordPress arises with the suitability to tweak it to fit into the diverse needs of users.

Honestly, few products have the versatile nature you’ll find with WordPress.

If you are looking for the best WordPress classified themes, for whatever reason, reading this piece will help you figure them out.

I understand your target is to grasp a product that’s a magical plugin to all your needs with advertisements.

 Next, we’ll go over the list of the best WordPress classified themes, and that’ll help you spot one which suits your needs best. We’ll cover the names, share URLs and share the unique features making up each of them.

What to Look for in a Classified Ads WordPress Theme

A good  Job Board WordPress theme meets the needs of all parties-recruiters and prospective employees.

Barely, a good theme will be:

  • SEO Optimized – The job clasiified theme needs to be SEO friendly, you can extend functionalites with plugins but the theme needs to be SEO Friendly
  • Translation Ready – you may want to build your website in diferent leanguage then English and the theme needs to support this
  • Design – A nice design is very important in attracting visitors, you need a theme that let’s you customize most of the things easely and is responsive (optimized for mobile)
  • Performance – The theme needs to load fast, you don’t want a site that is slow. The perfect theme is lightweight and moves fast.
  • Fuctionalites – you want an auction theme that is offering the following: Front-End Submission,Advanced Search Form, classified Listing Page Template,Google Maps Integration, Payment Integration. You want to check each theme and choose the one that has the features you are looking for.
  • Pocket Friendly – the pricing should give you a great theme when put in comparison to the competition
  • Support – easy to reach out to the seller-team to help tweak things around

Best WordPress Classified Ads Themes

Bello is a list with the best WordPress Classified Ads themes, they were chosen especially because they can help you build the perfect Ads website on WordPress.


ClassifiedEngine is a theme built with the future of advertisements in mind. It comes in the form of a pack that is already tailor-made to help you monetize the advertisements you share.

Also, its user experience is straightforward as a product of inbuilt design tools that are very powerful.

Finer details with the ClassifiedEngine theme are a simple interface that can tweak either the front or back ends. Apart from the single avert list feature, separate widgets help sellers and other users initiate actions.

Looking at ClassifiedEngine, as a theme, it’s mobile-friendly – a critical aspect that drives up accessibility and viewability at the same time.

It has a premium slider, which adds to the ease of viewing the ads. One significant component is the AD Map, which helps manage targeting locations for ads. Meaning you access a feature to extra-tweak the way you target your ads to locations.

PremiumPress Classifieds Theme

Do you target to create a site with Classified ads? Then go for the WordPress Classifieds Theme. You can add the WordPress Classifieds theme from the demo and get your business live within minutes!WordPress Classifieds Theme gives you a framework with more than 150 blocks of designs to choose from.

There are many reasons why you may want to consider WordPress Classifieds Theme. And those include:

  • An Elementor-ready theme- meaning you’ll not need to pay a time with the plugins to help you tweak it to tour best. More so, the theme is purely a product with open-source code.
  • The theme has varying pricing plans, which suits your pockets as you roll out the ads business.
  • It has an outstanding feature for search, comprising both the ordinary search with enhancement with AJAX codes.
  • It has an advanced photo gallery feature- where users access to video, image zooming, and even music.
  • Features for a members area where there are levels for you to upgrade accordingly

WordPress Classifieds Theme also comes with an inbuilt system to manage emails and notifications. You can also add to everything by activating the system to make reviews and ratings.


Check out for deals as low as 47% off with ListingPro – WordPress Directory & Listing Theme to take your classified ad business to the next level.

It’s the theme that’s everything extra for your needs to not only build on WordPress but scale and monetize at the same time.

Here’s a list of the ultra-amazing features you’ll find peculiar with the ListingPro – WordPress Directory & Listing Theme:

  • It’s a GDPR ready theme, so you can install and customize without fear of breaching legal provisions
  • Access any language  via using the inbuilt and free -Loco Translate feature
  • Access draft templates for issuing invoices and data to help you file taxes by extracting financial data.
  • Mapping features for auto-location among other selections like Near-me, nearby, showing operational hours and directions plus contacts.

Exploring ListingPro helps bring up exciting add-ons in the form of plugins. You can access plugins that are tailor-made for your ads by category.

A few plugins are LawPro, MedicalPro practice, EventPro, and even an AndroidPro for mobile-friendliness, among many others.

Check out the ListingPro theme carefully for add-ons you can do for free. For some, you need to part with a few bucks. Check for the premium add-ons for payment gateways: Paystack, PayU, RazorPay, and PayFast.


Classiads is a simple theme that amazingly fits the vast category of ads you may want to target for your business. And one more pro-fact I appreciate is that Classiads is compatible with Elementor.

For whatever business you want to launch with Ads, Classiads as a theme is there to offer you the support you require.

There’s a new tool they are almost rolling out – the choice for a single multi-directory with many arrays of business-ad types to select from. Meaning the dev team has great foresight in anticipation of the types of business you may plan to roll out.

But how do Classiads stick out from among others?

Classiads is a theme for ads, but at another level all by itself. And here are the reasons:

  • It has one of the most advanced front-end dashboards/features that almost mirror the back-end stuff.
  • Numerous designs and layouts you can access with simple drag and drop only
  • Search features are dynamic and highly visual, coming up powerfully with Elementor support.
  • Unlimited fields to help you carry out custom searches
  • A charge for promotion system to help you organize content in ways that optimally suit your ads: Bump up, features, and sticky options for ads.


The best thing with AdForest – Classified Ads WordPress Theme is you can go live with a professionally done WordPress site even if you have zero coding experience. So, it’s one package that is zero-configuration.

The team behind the theme is very supportive- you can purchase and reach out to the team to help you through with installations.

Aside from the excellent Front end-user experience, you are at liberty to choose from many colors for your views.

AdForest is a super-flexible theme with multiple reusable sections to fill the gaps of your limitless possibilities. And that taps from its build combining from the powers of HTML5, CSS3, and Latest JQuery 3.1 and bootstrap 5 versions.

AdForest has a core focus on typography, overall user experience, and usability. It’s very simple to both do the setting up and customizations.

Users access detailed and extensive documentation for the user guides with a tailor-focus on various classified ads businesses.

Outstanding Features of AdForest – Classified Ads WordPress Theme:

  • It has an add-on for front-end multi-currency support. Plus, access to multi-language support.
  • You access radius access for your ad search
  • A filter for bad words
  • Contact form 7
  • Mail chimp


A user will find that Lisfinity as a theme is simple- a theme from the WordPress community for guys who are non-techies.

Some key features make Lisfinity what it is.

First, it’s superb at integrating with Woo-commerce, giving extra support to classify and roll out ads within layers of categories. Quite complex, but Lisfinity ensures you get paid for all your ads.

One key element that cuts into everything is classifying multimedia in ways you prefer to optimize viewership while balancing your revenue targets. So, you can offer both free and paid-for-ads or both on the same page.

 In planes regarding user experience, Lisfinity also brings in powerful features merging Elementor build capabilities. And Lisfinity stands out when it comes to modes of access- PC, Mobile, and Mac, all in one pack- it also extends that with compatibility with most common browser apps.

Lisfinity is a theme built with a SaaS mentality. It seeks to extend the same with amazing responsiveness as a theme for rolling out ads with WordPress to compete within the online arena with others.


Are you looking out for an all-in-one theme for automotive ads listings? Motors – Car Dealer, Rental & Listing WordPress Theme is a great platform to explore for that.

Watch out for two latest awesome updates on the Motors – Car Dealer, Rental & Listing WordPress theme.

First is the feature Whatsapp instant chat. Viewers can get in touch the sooner they land on a listing and reach out to dealers.

Secondly is the feature for an interactive view of the ad images. Viewers can hover on images with thumbnails to view the inventory through the listings.

Aside from being a product by an Elite Author, there are more features why you should consider this theme:

  • Access  demos on 17 varieties to suit your preferences
  • Join more than 15 k users globally who rely on the same theme.
  • Benefits from tools built into the admin support area, plus 24/7 premium support with video tutorials.

There’s one feature with the theme that is unique- the VIV decoding tool. And bear me witness; you need this to help you verify the validity of details for an automobile ad. The exact model, make, year of manufacture.

Common add-ons are also helpful with fully compatible integrations: Woo-commerce for selling online and PayPal for payment gateways.


Classima is a theme that combines the powers of Elementor and Classified ads to come up with an elegant theme suitable for directories and classified ads. Also, the theme is Gutenberg optimized to help with ease of publishing.

The pages are built with Elementor, enabling users to use drag and drop functionalities to help tweak customizations within short periods.

With Classima, there are four fantastic choices for your homepages. And they have wide customizations with classy page builders. Awesome enough, you can also import the homepages from the demos using one-click imports.

For every block in Classima, you can choose the colors you prefer. Moreover, the Google fonts you can access are more than 800. Classima works with a Redux admin panel so that you can tweak theme options for entire sites in real-time.

When it comes to mobile-friendliness, Classima fits well with Android and iOS. And that adds to the accessibility of your ads in a good way.

Classima has handy features and add-ons. It fits well with Woo-commerce integrations. One rare element in the theme is marking ads as new or sold out.

Admins can also access the front and back end features under a new part: the Conditional custom fields. That adds to your abilities to filter, classify and reclassify ads.


Classiera team commits to putting out the most customizable WordPress theme for all your classified ads. Towards that quest, the theme is built on Elementor to afford users the unique tweaks of dragging and dropping page components while making customizations.

The product gives users more than 16 options for the layouts of homepage designs.

What are the most peculiar features of the Classiera – Classified Ads WordPress Theme?

The first is the advanced search filters feature. It enables users to fine-tune search results to variables like price ranges, categories, locations, and item stock conditions.

The second is the intelligent search feature. With that, users access rare details like: Auto-locations, suggestions by category, and ads with drop-down menus-features.

The third is the module to help manage biddings and an inbox messaging system. And also, they have a diverse table format for showing your pricing.

The fourth is the optimization statistics using the Pingdom tool. Agreeably, with your statistics at hand, you have a better view of digging into your performance- because the numbers matter as much as everything else too in your classified ads business.


Adifier also comes across as one of the themes that come in handy for businesses within the Classified ads niche.

In a nutshell, the Adifier theme builds on Elementor to bring in versatile flexibility, which also features integrations with OpenMaps. It comes out as a very responsive theme with crucial features like the Bids control and the category by locations feature.

Adifier brings into the core of ad management features enabling users to pay for subscriptions which range from free, hybrid, and other packages in between. These also come additional features to promote your Ads by location, top ads, ads with highlights, and urgent ones.

The custom fields also offer highly niched-down search options like numerical values, ranges of dates, and nested values, single or multiples. Other key custom fields that are helpful are the checkboxes and the radio buttons.

More uniquely for Adifier is the Advert types which fill into the diverse user needs: sell, auction buying, exchange, gift, rent, and jobs by offer or wanted. Lastly, users on the Adifier theme can offer reviews, sellers can answer.

Wrapping Up

You do not have to be lost while making your choices for your best WordPress Classified Ads themes.

Running a classified ads business requires exploring what variables work best for your case.

Next, select a theme that gives you just that. And above, we have a sorting done in finer details to help you out.

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