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How To Add Videos To WordPress With Bunny.net Stream Service

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If you want to host your own video and add it to WordPress then you can check Bunny.net Stream Service. This is relatively a new service that allows you to host your videos on their CDN network. Bunny.net will handle transcoding, storage, security & a video player for you.

Basically, it handles everything for you at lower costs. This service is perfect for someone that is selling courses on their website or has a membership website and wants to control access to the video.

With Bunny.net Stream Service you can do similar things on YouTube but the host and secure the video in their network (bunny.net one).


  • Free Player – the video player is free and it can be customized per your like.
  • thumbnail & preview management – just as with YouTube you can add thumbnails and preview the video.
  • Encoding resolutions – they are encoding your video from resolutions starting with 240p to 2160p
  • Watermark – you can add a watermark to your videos.
  • Security – you can restrict the download of the file and have a list with allowed websites or blocked websites.
  • Monetize – you can monetize your videos with vi.ai
  • Captions – you can add captions to your video.


They are charging you only for 2 things: storage and CDN traffic, the price starts from $0.06/GB for storage (3 zones) and $0.005/GB for CDN. The price is really cheap for what you find out there so for 10 GB storage and 100 GB CDN traffic you will pay 1.1$.

How To Add Videos To WordPress With Bunny.net Stream Service

1.Create a Video Library

You just go to Stream and hit Add Video Library

2. Choose Video Storage Locations

Choose the location where the videos will be replicated, by default is EU Frankfurt for me, and I can replicate the videos in the US (2 data centers) Singapore, and Sydney.

3. Create a Collection and Upload a Video

You need to create a collection next where the videos will go. Is like a category, after you hit upload video just as for YouTube.

4. Video Settings

After your video is uploaded you are sent to a video options screen where you can change the Title, add a thumbnail, and get the embed code.

5. Insert the video on your WordPress Website

With the embed code go to blocks and choose HTML block and just add the code there. After the video will appear on your website. Below is an example with a video that I have loaded for tests

Video With The Steps

I have created a video that is explaining everything. Also, I am going into more details about the security features and other features that bunny.net streaming service has. Check the video for all the details.

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