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Boost Your WooCommerce Sales with a Side Cart: Step-by-Step Installation Guide

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Hey there, WooCommerce enthusiasts! Ever wondered how you can make your online store even more user-friendly? Well, today, we have a fantastic solution for you—installing a side cart to your WooCommerce store. Stick around as we dive into the step-by-step process.

Why Should You Care About a Side Cart?

If you’ve been around the block in eCommerce, you know that user experience is everything. A side cart is a game-changer, especially if your current theme doesn’t support one. It presents a smooth way for customers to view their cart details without leaving the current page. So in this article with the video we are going to see the exact steps you need to do to activate the side cart that will looks as good on mobile and in the desktop.

WooCommerce Side Cart: Step-by-Step Installation Guide

1. Side Cart Woocommerce (Ajax) Plugin Installation

The plugin we are going to use is Side Cart Woocommerce (Ajax) it has a free and a premium option. All the customisation options are included in the free version, in the pro one you have some extra option to add shipping prices, upsales or discount codes.

The plugin has good reviews and is updated constantly, I am using it on my client sites and it does a wonderful jobs, bigsales.ro is one website if you want to check it in action.

To add the plugin go to Plugins – Add New and just search for the Side Cart Woocommerce (Ajax), download and activate it.

2. Configure the General Settings

After the plugin is installed you will have the General Settings where you can decide where to activate it what info to be displayed on the product and in off canvas section, to make it visible on mobile or in the menu directly, etc. The video has the complete details. Usually the plugins comes preconfigured with what is needed directly.

3. Configure the Style Settings

In this section you can configure the plugin icon, size, position, you can change the button colours or you can change the font size. You can change the Side Cart Width and position off the icon. You can configure every little details you need to make it look as you like.


With the help of Side Cart Woocommerce (Ajax) you can easily add a floating cart to your WooCommerce website to increase your sales and make things easier for you visitors. In case you need more advanced settings like:

  • Update quantity
  • Show shipping, tax, discount, fee & other totals
  • Shipping calculator
  • Apply & display all coupons
  • Increase sales by showing Cross-Sells / Up-Sells / Related products
  • Show notifications on add/update/delete item
  • Shipping bar( Remaining amount for free shipping )
  • One Click Paypal and amazon pay checkout
  • Select different basket icon or set your own.
  • Header menu SHORTCODE (Use anywhere)
  • Additional styling options

You can purchase the pro option that only costs 24$ for 1 website. Till now the free version was enough for me.

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